Sorry that it's been so quiet here the past month .. So many things have transpired in my life and changed over the course of this year, already! I turned the BIG 40 last weekend among other things! 2017 has been a roller coaster to say the least! I have wanted to share so much, yet, I just wasn't able to put it all into words with all the emotions that were flowing through my mind during it all.
I had started writing a post but left it as a draft because it wasn't the time nor the place to let it all out at the time, and I'm glad that I left it that way. Now that I am more clear-headed I am able to edit things and put it all into a new perspective before unleashing it to the world!
So, stay tuned next week as I will tell you all some of it as I worked through each phase.. and hope to hear that someone can relate.
Until then... Have a great day!!
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