Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Superbowl 50 Halftime

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Sometimes, I think we are way too harsh and critical when it comes to Art. Poor Chris Martin has been turned into so many horrible memes it isn't even funny but this is what happens when you are a celebrity, so my best advice to him is run with it. If he jokes about himself, it will take some of the heat off. 

My take on the half time show, I LIKED IT VERY MUCH. I am a Coldplay fan so I thought the colors, the kids with the violins, the fans that got to come stand by the stage and the flowers were great. He generally catches a lot of shit anyway because of the type of music he plays. The reason I like his music is because he does a lot with string instruments, and those are my favorite. His song Paradise helped me get through my divorce...the song gave me strength, like a phoenix rising from the ashes and it helped me to hope again. 

This is strictly an observation on my part, but some British musical acts seem to incorporate a choir, or a huge group of people or play together with artists from other genres of music, I know we do this in America too, that is what music is about people. Mixing it up and taking new approaches so we don't hear the same recycled crap all the time. 

And for the sake of saying, anytime a huge act does the super bowl they get ripped to freaking shreds. The media and people on Twitter talked smack about Katy Perry last year, and the year that Beyonce did the super bowl she was ripped to shreds too. It seems as if the general public is never satisfied with any of the halftime shows. 

On that note, there were people actually saying yesterday that the whole Coldplay show was to get people to be more accepting of the Gay and Lesbian Community with a spattering of Black Lives Matter. Then you hear the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Guliani saying that her performance was an "attack on the police". ARE YOU F****** KIDDING ME??????????????? What is wrong with this country? It was a British artist playing the Super Bowl and it looked like when Beyonce and Bruno Mars joined him they were having the best time. If any one thing stole the show it was the people carrying those colorful flowers. So HA! 

Why can't it just be about the music? Music in it's simplest form is about bringing us all together.

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