Monday, August 27, 2012

Trying to Find my way back...

Lately I have been LAZY.. TIRED.. and just feeling wore-out; to be quite honest. I remember feeling this way before I lost the weight; and I also remember how much I did not like it. (lol)

I have been trying to find my way back to the me that I had found... the one who was starting to build confidence in the fact that I really could take the weight off. After all, I had tried so many times and never seen anything become of it; and for once I had lost 25 pounds without giving up!

It's amazing how many changes you can see in yourself when you reflect back on a time in your life. Before I lost the weight, I felt like I was sick all the time or something and I was really miserable in my own skin, to be honest; and since I have gained it back, I fell that exact way again! However, I just have not been able to get that motivation or mindset back.

I truly believe that in order to loose weight (or accomplish anything for that matter), you have to have the right mindset. Knowing what you want and why you want it is one thing, but setting a mindset to get it done is a completely different thing.

I have tried my hardest to get my mind set back to where it was before, but for some reason I just can not find the determination and motivation... That is why I am writing this blob; because before I started writing what I felt and it helped me become more AWARE of what I was truly feeling and helped me to discover why I wanted and needed to get it done!

So, I hope you join me on my journey to the New Me and if you are on your own journey let me know because I will support you every step of the way if you need me to; we'll find our way to healthier and happier together!!


  1. Hi I seen your post and wanted to share my story! I started feeling the same way you did last July and at my heaviest weight in my life I was completely miserable! Since then I have lost 42lbs and kept it off for about 10 months I have more energy now than I have ever had before and I just feel better, more confident and pretty again :-) even tho I know it is on the inside that is what's suppose to count (but when you are overweight or unhappy with what's on the outside chances are the inside mirrors that feeling) anyways I just wanted you to know that you can totally do this! I ended up using an all natural products line coupled with a healthy program and accomplished my goals in hardly no time with very very little effort but the best part is I built lean muscle and now have overall better health and mindset! When you accomplish your goals it gives you an empowerment you never knew u had! I would love to stay in touch and help keep you motivated I have since became a health and wellness coach and absolutely love helping others receive the lessings that I have :-) I am on Facebook under Nickole Barnes Zeleji or you can email me at

  2. CONGRATS & Thank you, Nichole!! WOW.. 42 pds. is a accomplishment to be proud of; and keeping it off is something you should be very proud of!!

    I don't eat regularly because I don't ever seem to be hungry; and before I started eating 3x a day and changed one or two other things and the weight came off without a lot of effort. However,, I got back into old habits and only eating once a day; and now as you have read, I am back where I started at. So, I guess I need to get back to the healthy habits and I will see a change again hopefully (lol).

    What type of exercise did you do to prevent flab or loose skin; loosing 42 ponds you had to tone some way.. Right?
