Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Annual Health Check Ups Are Important

I'm not a Doctor, but I play one on T.V..........

As women, we need to make sure that we are getting annual check-ups in regards to gynecological and breast exams. Having these exams could save our lives. These exams are important because they are a screening tool and if there are any abnormalities in the test the doctor will definitely call you back in for further examination. 

So many women die from breast cancer and the statistics are staggering. Before I started blogging I was reading a blog written by Lisa Bonchek Adams and she detailed the treatments that she would go through and she would talk about how she felt having this type of cancer. She passed away a few months ago and when she did it hurt me. I felt as if I knew her through her posts. Here is a link to her blog so please go and check it out.

Another type of cancer that affects women is cervical or ovarian cancer. Having your annual pap tests helps when it comes to detecting this type of cancer. I do not know what the statistics are concerning this type of cancer. My mother had cervical cancer at the age of 33 and it was Stage III if I am not mistaken. She has told me that the year before her pap test came back normal and then the following spring, she said she had a sore spot under her navel and it was very tender to the touch. She also has said that her legs began to buckle when she would walk and she was dog tired all the time. 

The best source of information is with the CDC or cancer.org I am assuming. So, here is their link. 

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