It's time to STOP talking and GET started living a healthier life!!
I have No real plan going in... So, I am going to start by changing a few things each week until I get where I feel I need to be!
Getting my mind set is the number #1 priority right now, because If that isn't set.. I will never succeed!
This isn't a diet, it is about getting healthy! I don't want to be on a ton of medication for health problems that I could have prevented, or so insecure about my body that I live in sweats or don't want to leave home! That just isn't the way to live!
So.. I have a few thoughts that I know I will put into place next week (tomorrow) in my journey to a healthier, happier, more confident.. New ME!
(Hope you will use these in your journey & share your own with me as well)
Thought #1:
"It's not about the number on the scale, it is about how I feel!"
I will weigh once a week; same day & time (when possible). Getting on the scale daily will only be a discouragement that I do not need!
Thought #2

"Add Water!"
Water is such a benefit to our body; and it will help boost our energy levels..
Why not include it to our daily lives!
Thought #3
"Walking increased blood flow to our heart and is a great exercise to start out with!"
I plan to add at least 30 minutes a few times a week of walking to my daily routine.
*Join me on the journey to a New Me; and have a happier and healthier you!
..... Please, Share your own tips, thoughts, success, and goals below! I'd love to hear them and help motivate and support you along the way!
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