Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Garden Update

My garden is coming right along. I have had only a few plants die. One of pepper plants and one of my squash plants didn't make it but the rest of the garden is looking pretty good.

I haven't done a lot with the soil yet, I have been just trying to keep out as many weeds as I can right now. I'm not sure all of the butter beans are going to make it, but I am hopeful. 

The above picture is of the butter beans that are beginning to sprout. Some actually have leaves and the other ones look like this. So, like I said, I am not sure they are going to make it but I'm hopeful. 

My Beautiful Garden

I made this picture extra large on purpose. If you are familiar with gardening then you can spot the snap beans. The back row is peppers and tomatoes, the next row is corn, cucumbers and squash. The next row is the snaps. I can't wait, this is so exciting seeing my garden grow.

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